DCI Blog Posts

In this section you will find 5 blog posts I wrote during the first DCI class I ever took: a first-year seminar called Black Mirror and Digital Culture. It was the class that inspired me to want to pursue DCI as a minor, and taught me to think critically about topics such as artificial intelligence, surveillance technologies, self-driving cars, augmented reality, and other technological inventions that interfere with our interpersonal relationships and connection to our humanity and our environment. I also got the chance to (re-)evaluate my own relationship with technology, and social media in specific. Each blog post had a topic or a prompt, but I decided where to take it. My personal research and reflections culminated into a final project: the multimedia narrative, for which I explored the way Instagram has become a complex curated environment and altered the way people interact with and evaluate each other, as well as themselves (see The Instagram Disease).
